Published on

June 13, 2023


Nick Halliday

Avoid buyer’s remorse with industry insight from PTL

Looking for new bar manufacturing equipment? It’s easy to get caught up in the cost of the machine itself, but there are many other things to consider before making a purchase. Investing in the right machine will pay dividends long-term by increasing efficiency, reducing waste and labor costs, and minimizing downtime. The support that often comes with a good purchase can add major value too. Before you decide, here are the top six questions to ask when shopping for efficient bar manufacturing equipment:

1. How accessible and responsive is the seller?

When purchasing bar manufacturing equipment, you want to be interacting with the engineers who developed and constructed it. Direct access to the engineers guarantees your questions will be answered quickly, and their expertise eliminates any miscommunication with salespeople or agents. At PTL, our engineers are always available to help. For example, if your process or bars require something unique, they’ll work with you to tweak the equipment to suit. Nothing gets lost in translation, and your production line becomes more effective.

2. What is their installation and training approach?

Poor training or improper installation of bar manufacturing equipment can lead to all sorts of issues for your plant. For example, you could waste product or have breakdown issues. And if operators aren’t well trained, it can lead to mistakes and inefficiencies that will hold up your production capability.

At PTL, the people training staff and installing the equipment are the ones who built it. They can tell you if the equipment is working to its full potential because they have an intimate knowledge of its inner workings.

3. Is there a focus on hygienic design?

Good hygiene is integral to the success of every food manufacturer. Investing in equipment designed with sanitation in mind lowers the risk of recalls. For manufacturers, faster and more efficient changeovers between products increase your capacity to take on SKUs. With PTL, removable components mean our bar machinery can be broken down into multiple pieces and put back together without using tools. This makes them significantly faster to clean to a very high standard than other bar machinery on the market.

4. How robust is the equipment?

While lower-cost equipment is tempting, it’s often built with cheaper materials that quickly deteriorate with constant use and washing. You’ll see hoods and seals breaking down, hinges on the doors giving way, and plastic on the doors cracking. Investing in robust equipment saves you time and money on repairs and replacements – and lowers the chance of a breakdown. This gives you a much lower total cost of ownership. PTL is known for durable and quality components that handle the stress of regular use.

5. Can the bar equipment be tailored to your business?

With the right manufacturer, you don’t have to settle for what’s on the shelf — you can tweak the equipment to suit your needs. While building on refinements from over 30 years, PTL’s bar manufacturing equipment can be tailored to suit your particular requirements Read how the world’s largest ice-cream cone manufacturer made its first move into chocolate with PTL’s help.

6. How easy is the equipment to use?

When you prioritize usability, you’re making an investment that will pay off in increased productivity, reduced labor costs, and improved efficiency. That’s why PTL takes a proactive and user-centric approach to design. Our team works closely with operators, customers, and technicians to identify pain points, then develops solutions that improve usability. Our ease of use means less chance of mistakes, fewer production delays, and higher output.

More than just a machine

Bar manufacturing equipment is more than just investing in a machine. It’s investing in the success of your operation. The right equipment should reduce labor costs, minimize downtime, and give you peace of mind. Don’t settle for anything that merely fits the budget – ensure you’ve carefully considered all the factors before purchasing.

At PTL, we know the perfect bar equipment doesn’t depend on just the machine itself but also on the accessibility to the manufacturer, hygienic design, robustness of the equipment, installation, training approach, and most importantly, its usability. So before you decide, make sure the equipment ticks all the boxes to achieve sweet success. Ready to take the next step? Contact PTL today for a tailored quote or explore our range of bar manufacturing equipment here.